Monday, April 30, 2012

U.S.S. Enterprise

From: Austin Ipson
2709 Abbots Loop Ct.,
Columbus, OH 43204-4339
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 9:38 AM

As you can see, there aren't any photos.  There were intentions this week to send some home, but the camera didn't make it's way into the car this morning.  So, you'll be getting them next week!

What a week... I don't know where to start!  I guess chronologically will work the best!

This past Tuesday all of the Spanish Elders made their way to Huber Heights (Dayton) for a Spanish Specialized training.  We were able to hear from President Nilsen, and his sentiments on Spanish work in the Ohio.  We heard from one of the Counselors in the Westerville Spanish Branch, The Dayton Branch President, as well as President Maya from the Miami River Branch.  They all gave great motivation in for the work.
The motive behind the training was to better train us, to how to better use members in finding.  Our solution, family home evening!  Our Spanish Zone Leaders Elders Luna and Jensen told us how they did it when they were companions before, and how they are doing it know and seeing success.  The model they are using in getting members to do family home evenings will be implemented to each Spanish area.  I see great success coming out of this.  Going to a FHE sure beats looking for mops on porches!

Tuesday night we received the transfer call....  I'm..... Staying in Columbus for another!  Elder Jacobson will stay with me.  The transfer was extremely small.  There was only a couple changes made in the Spanish work, and the only changes in English work that seemed to be changed were training areas.  Very Small transfer.  Anyways I'll be here.  An update on Elder Ramsey, he was made Spanish Zone Leader.  Elder Luna went to the great position of Senior Companion, and Elder Ramsey filled his spot. 

Since we live a mile away we went to the transfer.  While there we were informed that we were getting a new car!  I was shocked.  I didn't think our car would be changed out for a couple more transfers.  We thought we'd be getting a new Toyota Corolla.  (Missionaries like to gossip, and things like that run through the missionaries).  We got to the mission office in Dublin, and saw quite a few Corollas rolling out.  We got talking to the car Elder and found out we weren't getting a Corolla.  We were getting a new Chevy Malibu!  Elder Jacobson accuses me of having a smug grin on my face when I found out.  I've yet to tell him I've been working through Rick to get the car here.   He's yet to see the High Country Sticker! :P (The car has the nickname of the U.S.S. Enterprise.  It's a big silver car.  We figured it was fitting.  I just can't wear a red tie when I'm in the car though....)
U.S.S. Enterprise
The work has been great this week.  We weren't able to find this week.  However we were able to get back in contact with one of our investigators; Ivan.  For a while he fell off of the face of the earth.  We'd call, pass by, etc.  We couldn't pin him down.  This week it happened!  We got to sit down, and have three lessons with him. 

The first one was rather tense.  It was one where we didn't know how it was going to go.  We knew we just had to hear him out.  We got talking with him, but he starting into the infamous line, "I like what you guys have to say but,...." I was bracing myself for the drop; I've heard those lines before.  Rather he gave us his concern.  He loves the Book of Mormon, what we've taught, but he's afraid of joining a church, because persecution follows whenever you "unite". 
Elder Jacobson fidgeted.  He wanted to say something so badly.  I knew he didn't know what to say either!  So, I pulled the jerk Senior Companion move, and just looked at him, and waited. 

Elder Jacobson bore his testimony of how he came to know the Book of Mormon was true, and because of that, Joseph Smith was a prophet, and how the Church of Jesus Christ is the restored church on the earth.  I took my turn and applied it to Ivan.  How he can know, and what that means.  Ivan knows the Bible decently well.  He knows of the persecutions of the Saints in the Savior's time.  When I reminded him of that, the Holy Ghost testified to him the path he needed to take.  Ever since that lesson he has been hungry to know more.

We had a second lesson with our Branch Mission Leader Hermano Parkus, and we taught the Plan of Salvation.  Ivan's sight on eternity was expanded as we taught.  There was moments where new principles were introduced (Celestial, Terestial, Telestial Kingdoms) when there was confusion, but as we showed him how we have the Doctrine, understanding came.  When all was said and done, we reminded him.  Pray, and you will know.

Ivan came to the Columbus Stake Conference.  Through Translation he was able to hear the words of our Mission President, and his wife, and the Columbus Stake Presidency.  After the conference we showed him around the chapel.  The very interesting part is that he did the drywall in the New Albany Chapel!  So, he knew his way around fairly well!  (Elder Klein had an investigator that did the tile in the Baptismal font in the New Albany Building)  So needless to say, he liked knowing how we use our chapels after putting one together!

Our final lesson we answered questions. Was he full of them.  From leadership of the Church to Baptisms for the Dead.  There was a broad spectrum of topics covered.  We feel an extreme sense of urgency to help him to baptism.  He will be returning to Mexico in July to go and be married.  This really seems to be a climax in his life right now, and it's only getting more intense.  We hope to see him at church this next week.  So he can see how the church works on a normal day.  Not only that, but teach him, and give him a baptismal date!

Things are coming along.  The Branch is really surprising us as we do this fast.  Yesterday we had Brother Hernandez pilfering in our commissary because they had set a decent goal of giving out copies of the Book of Mormon.  So, there will be a report next week on the fast.

Crazy week.  Even though it was crazy I still love you all.  Good job T for becoming an Eagle Scout.  Good job to Mom for dragging him there!

We are off to go shopping.  I'm going to go drop off my bike for a tune-up.  My back brake doesn't know if it wants to work or not.  I'd fix it myself, but I just don't have the tools to do it.  That, and I might make it worse knowing my past!

Love you all.  Until next week.
Para Siempre,
Elder Ipson
The Great Ohio Columbus Mission

Monday, April 23, 2012

Y Ancontecio: And it came to pass

From: Austin Ipson, Columbus, OH
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 9:27 AM

Another week gone.  Wow... It's remarkable how quickly I find myself at a computer on Mondays!  Now that I'm here I need to remember what I did last week...  Ugh, it's a blur!

A few weeks ago President Nilsen gave us the challenge to Read the Book of Mormon before a Zone Conference we will have in late May.  This challenge requires us to read 10 pages a day.  That however, is if you are reading an English Book of Mormon.  I was the poor fool who thought....  Oh, this will be a great chance for me to read the Book of Mormon in Spanish!  I realized it wasn't a great idea... Why?  Because there are roughly 100 more pages in the Spanish Version of the Book of Mormon. On top of that, I learned Spanish in Ohio!  The Spanish I know can be horrible Spanglish.  Ask Uncle Mo what the word Checkiar means and he'll probably give you a funny look!  That's how the Mexican population says to check. 

Now that I've described the situation I'm in, and that I've gotten too far to turn back now, I have to say...  I've never learned so much from a reading of the Book of Mormon!  I did read it last year and looked for the attributes of Christ and marked them.  I learned a great deal.  This year I am looking for all of the references of Christ and the words that he speaks to his children.  Whether it be him, or by one of his servants.  As I read, and mark these things I keep finding our need for the Savior.  The life he lived, the things he taught, the atonement he expiated.  I realized the gifts he has given me each time I read.  A time to learn, repentance, his love, the ability to speak and read another language, and eternal life if I stand worthy in the end. 

I've had to do quite a bit of catch up reading in Spanish, but, it is meaning so much more reading That Testament of Christ, in the language of the people I am here to serve.

This past week we've seen our pool of investigators diminish.  It's been tough to see such promising people go. Norma, the lady we found a few weeks ago has disappeared.  We've passed by many times, but have come to the conclusion that she must now be in Honduras looking for her deported husband.  If we hear anything about her we'll let you know.

We went back to Hector this week, and watched the Restoration with them.  Elder Klein and Ramsey went on exchanges last year and showed this to them.  By the end they were both crying, and committed to baptism.  This time with Elder Jacobson and I they took a snooze...  Ugh...  Fortunately Susanna; Hector's wife has read a little bit of the Book of Mormon.  So, there is still some fire there!

I love you all so much!  It makes me laugh that Sancho is now a household word!  The question is, did it replace the word Poob?  I hope goes well, and that you are all the same.  Que Dios les bendiga!

Transfer calls are coming up tomorrow.  I doubt I'll go, but, you never know!

Para Siempre,
Elder Ipson
The Great Ohio Columbus Mission

Monday, April 16, 2012


From: Austin Ipson
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 9:26 AM
Subject: Progress

This week was definitely a week of progress.  We have been working hard in all aspects of the work.  We've been making sure to get members to lessons, visit our less actives, and floss every night.  Elder Jacobson and I have been doing the best we can in the work.

I have been with Elder Jacobson for almost two transfers now, and I have been reprimanded for not giving a better description of him.  Well here I go.  Elder "Jacobo" (People can't pronounce his last name) is from good ol' Provo Utah.  He graduated in the class younger than me, 2011.  He played soccer for Mountain View High School, and can easily school me, and most of the Hispanics when we play.  He's about 6'1, and 170lbs.  Decent sized kid.  Makes us look like migration even more!  He's got greenie fire.  Well not necessarily fire but...  I'll put it this way...  whenever I have Dad's "things aren't working I need a Coke" theory he fishes me out of the need of a Coke into a want, and I find myself knocking more doors!  This branch has been one of the harder branches to work with.  The members seem to be complacent with the branch.  They see other needs than missionary work.  Missionaries (unfortunately this includes me) have or had at one time thrown in the towel trying to work with the leadership.  Elder Jacobo has been persistent for the three transfers he's been here!  This will lead to what is going down in the branch right now.

We've all known that something needs to happen in the branch for missionary work to get a jumpstart in the branch.  We've thought of all sorts of ideas to get things things in motion.  We might think up a good one, but it simply gets shot down in Ward Council.  We have gotten smarter though...

We went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders, and their idea was to do a fast with the ward.  In the mission the trend is to do a sequential fast for 40 days.  We simply don't have the members to support that.  instead it will comprise a week.  To get the ball rolling we took some inspiration from Rep. 75 and started calling up members of the ward to back us up when we bring it up.  Our ally in the Branch Council floor was the 1st Counselor Brother Harris.  That's how we got smarter.  We just had to pretend we were on the house floor!

In the meeting we followed protocol and we were heard out and put on the record!  The Branch is going for it!  We will be setting up the fast to be centered around the Cinco de Mayo.  We are excited to see the ball rolling here!

This past week we picked up an old investigator.  Hector Pablo.  I was teaching him with Elder Klein.  He needs to get married.  That was his hold back the first time around.  Elder Ragan was here in West for a little while, and he said that Hector just had a few things to sort out before he could get married.  Hopefully it happens this time!  (Note: It is extremely hard to get married in Ohio.  Especially if you are illegal.  If you are going to be illegal go to Kentucky, it is far easier to get a marriage license)

In our lesson with him we simply read the Book of Mormon with him.  We picked up where he left of.  2 Nephi chapter 1.  We concluded and shared what we learned.  I know we were supposed to be back there when he said,"I loved it when Elder Klein would come and read with me.  I always felt better".  What we are teaching is true, and blesses lives.  I hope that Hector can see the joy of the gospel in , not just reading the Book of Mormon, but living it in its entirety.  I know this is true.  I now, am a servant of the Lord.  I am doing his work.

I Love you all lots, and hope all goes well this week!

Para Siempre,
Elder Ipson
The Great Ohio Columbus Mission


Holy smokes.  I didn't realize how much upkeep journals are!  This time I don't need pens.  Rather I need more Journals!  I'm sending home one of my journals.  I bought this one in the MTC, and all my other journals match.  (they also match my scripture set)  I'm sending it home in hopes that you could send me two more of its semblance.  There is a company name in the back of the journal.  Gallery Journals I believe...  If you have questions feel free to ask.  I'm getting on this now before the need comes. According to my writing trends I won't need more than two more (Hopefully). 

So once again.  don't feel rushed.  if it takes time, I've got plenty of it!  When you do send them out, could you send the journal back as well?  I look back at them sometimes. 

When you do get my journal, feel free to skim through.  I don't believe there is anything in there that I would be embarressed to have my parents see.  Brother and Sister maybe.....

Thank you mom for helping me.
Donnie Boy

Monday, April 9, 2012

Subject: .......

From: Austin Ipson
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2012 10:23 AM

This past week...I don't know...  It went by extremely quick!  If I recall Uncle Dave served on the OSU campus.  If so, he'll remember a street that was well worn by missionaries this week.  High Street.  If I am right he is probably chuckling.  Why?  It's one of the places to be if you are an OSU student.  I'm just fortunate that temperatures have been fairly cool this past week.  Anyways, I bring this up, because last Tuesday we were up and down this street all day. 

Tuesday we go over by campus.  Mixed in the college housing you can find a few Hispanics.  Most of the housing in this area is duplex homes.  (Rather Ragged in some cases).  We only devote a day of the week to this area, because there is work, but it is hard finding work.  Our day started out on 7th and High.  (After driving up High once to get there), and we scurried around the area there in search for our "Sombrero Wearing Friends".  This pursued for a couple hours, until we had to leave OSU for an appointment scheduled by "Broad & Georgesville" a ways a way from campus.  We piled into the car & drove back down High street.

Normally we could take the freeway, and land ourselves a little closer to OSU; however we had a member that we were going to go pick up and take to a lesson.  This forced us to head up High street once again!  At this point I had it learned what lane to stay in to go all the way back up to 7th and High.

We had our lesson with our member named Martin (He's a honey, if you ask when I come home; I tell you all about him!), and the investigator Hermengildo.  We were able to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to him.  Martin is a less-active & it's was good for him to share his testimony with Hermengildo.  The problem with both of these guys is that they don't have cars, and get called into work on Sundays.  (Without notice beforehand).  So, progress is rather slow.  Nevertheless it was a good lesson for both of them.

It came time to take Martin home, so, we hopped on High & took him home!  At this point I could point out all of the Steak Houses on that street.  I didn't know how much more I was about to get to know it.  After stopping Martin's house and giving him a blessing (he's had a nasty cough as of late), we looked through our planners to see what we should do.  We still had some potentials up around OSU that are usually home later at night, so, we got on High, and headed back up!  After that trip up I could probably tell you just about anything you might need, that could be on that street.  Whether you want a bike, tattoo, some Hookah, or a steak.  If I was so inclined I could lead you in the right direction!

After this final trip up, we were able to meet quite a few people, and set up return appointments.  So that last trip wasn't in vain!  However the morale of the story....  Don't plan your day so you keep covering the same ground, over, and over, and over!

We've taught quite a few people this week.  One of them being a lady named Norma.  (I may have mentioned her)  Her husband has recently been caught by migration.  Leaving her alone with her kids.  We can't help a ton, but we can teach of families being together forever.  That is what we did.  She had read a Restoration pamphlet.  So what we did the whole time was do our best to tie the families and the Restoration together.  After she read the first vision she was in tears.  She described what she felt inside as "beautiful".  We extended for the 20th of May.  & we hope to keep working with her towards that date. (She accepted)

I love you all.  Wish you the best.  If there is any advice I can give you.... Don't buy running shoes; they make you sore when you use them!  I hope all is well, and the Spirit is always in our home.

Para Siempre,
Elder Ipson
The Great Ohio Columbus Mission

Monday, April 2, 2012

I don't know where to start.....

From: Elder Austin Ipson, columbus, OH
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 10:22 AM

Conference was amazing.  So many powerful messages pointed right to us.  I would target certain talks, but that would be futile.  Why?  4 out of the 5 sessions I watched in Spanish.  I'll put it this way...  I can have a quick conversation about Tacos, however I can't understand the Medical terms of Elder Nelson when he is giving the specifics on the human body!  That being said, when I was listening I had to rely on the Spirit to fill in the gaps.  The Spirit enlightened me, and helped me to understand more fully of what I can do better as a missionary.

The highlight of the whole conference wasn't the talks given.  Rather, it was seeing Horacio and his soon to be 12 year old Bryan show up to Priesthood Session!  Both Elder Jacobson and I were ecstatic!  The best part is he stayed awake the whole time!  We were grateful for the talks that were given that very simply put how the Priesthood works, and how we can be better holders of the Priesthood.  Due to Horacio's work schedule he hasn't been able to make it back to receive the Priesthood, but you can see his doing the best he can at this time to be a great member.

As a side note: Elder Bednar made mention that you need to let people be agents unto themselves, not merely objects to be acted upon.  This was a point that he made to us while he was here.  So when we heard that, all four missionaries in the Priesthood session all just looked at one another and chuckled, because we've heard that spheal before!  It's like we had a conference preview!

In-between sessions we hit the pavement and went finding.  We didn't come up with anyth8ing, but I'm sure the Lord was trying to see how dilligent we really were.  After Conference we had a few lessons set up.  One with a less-active we've been trying to contact for quite some time.  Her name is Samarra Navarro.  Sister to the Branch President.  Samarra and an old friend have been thinking of coming back to church.  While we were out and about Samarra gave us a call and asked us to come by and share something about how the church was started.  We taught both Samarra and her friend Brittany the first lesson.  Both are better at speaking and reading in English.  So that's how we taught.  It was then I realized, I don't know Spanish or English!  However, the lesson was powerful.  We were able to teach both of them of Joseph Smith, his role, and how he restored the Church of Jesus Christ again on the earth.  The Spirit was strong, through the whole lesson.  We left them with 3 Nephi 11 to read.  Knowing that chapter could surely invite the Spirit to testify to them, that it's time to come back!

Our following lesson we taught a man named Ivan.  We had taught him once before, but we weren't able to complete the lesson.  This time we were ready, and he wanted to learn.  So T can study this... We shared bullet points from Chapter 10 the How to begin Teaching, so he remembered why we are there.  We told him that as he acted on the invitations we'd give him, he would come to know this is true.  It was intent to listen, but when we said that he seemed intrigued.  We taught him that as he learned, it would be by the Spirit, and we explained how it worked.  We had taught a bit about the Holy Ghost in our past visit, and as we talked about it he quoted Galatians 5:22 a scripture we had used previously to teach about the Holy Ghost.  The stage was set for him to have a truly miraculous experience!

We went through the first lesson, and taught about God our Heavenly Father, how he gives us families, prophets, to lead and guide us.  He gave us magnificent comments.  We were being edified as we taught!  We proceed to the Ministry of Christ, how he established the church, and gave his Priesthood to the Apostles.  He opened to the Bible and upheld our testimony of Christ's ministry!  We taught that this church fell, and how the people were in darkness for a time.

We gave the story of Joseph Smith.  Before we began he gave us some of the knowledge that he had of him.  All he lacked was the knowledge of the first vision.  That is what we shared with him.  It fell upon me to share those eloquent words.  As I repeated the words a smile came across Ivan's face.  When I finished, he started laughing...  Uncontrollably saying," Yo te creo" (I believe you).  How he said it came across rather oddly, as though he were mocking us.  We didn't know what to do.  However the Spirit testified to both Elder Jacobson and I, to wait.  That is what we did.  The two minutes of him laughing seemed like an Eternity!  However, when he finally looked up at us, we saw, tears.  We knew that this laughter was not a mocking laughter!  It was of Joy!

He told us that he has only felt that happy on one other occasion.  That was 7 years ago.  He knew by that powerful feeling that the Holy Ghost was testifying of the truthfulness of the prophet Joseph Smith.  We then invited him to be baptized the 13th of May.  He replied that he would fast and pray to know that this is right.  He committed to reading the Book of Mormon, to know of it's truthfulness.

The work is good, the gospel is great.  We can truly see God's hand in the work.  Migration is hot, but God is helping us find, his lost sheep.

I love you all so much.  I hope you were all edified by conference.  (I hope you didn't fall asleep during conference).  I hope to hear from you all soon.

Para Siempre,

Elder Ipson
The Great Ohio Columbus Mission