To the family,
Week two is in the bag, and the work keeps on going! There's so much to tell, but only enough space in my mind to fit it all. (Yes I have been keeping a journal (I make an accounting for each day)). Mom asked about the mundane details about life well here you go!
Our shopping is first at a Mexican Store about a mile away. We get as much as we can, because somethings over there are a little cheaper, and we can do a bit of missionary work. After that we head over to the Kroger to finish up our shopping. So with our trips to the store you can obviously tell we eat a ton of Mexican. On top of that we usually can scrounge up a meal every other day, so it's not too bad on the pocket book. The catch is, we're usually eating Mexican food. It's all good untill they add "salt" (jalapenos, chilis, etc.) Don't get me wrong, the food is great, but it takes its toll on you. On the bright side I am slowly acclimating to the heat it produces.
Our apartment is a bit older. I'd venture a guess it was built late 80's early 90's. So about as old as me, but it looks like it has seen a few more years than I have. Needless to say it has become home, and I await that worn out Serta every-night. We constantly have lessons to teach.
I made mention how we are teaching a variety of people. That holds true still, but as we meet with more and more people, the majority of people we teach are... you guessed it! Mexicanos! They're an obvious majority out here, but you still get a few dominicans here and there.
Right now Elder Klein and I (he is actually 6'8 I lied, (there are a few taller missionaries as well)) are teaching Antonio, and Jose. They grew up Evagelical, and have a good record of the Bible. Elder Klein and his past companion Elder Luna taught them and there eyes were opened to other things the Bible says. It's amazing to read something from the Book of Mormon then Solidifiy it with the Bible! Elder Klein is giddy whenever we talk to them.
So the topic of Utah's immigration bill has made it's way into the armpits of Ohio. There was a lesson with a less active member, who voiced her opinion of it. Me, having at least some lick of sense. Shut my mouth. Coming from home I leave with preconcieved notions about politics, but when you teach these people you begin to have compassion. That doesn't change law, but it reminds me of excerpts in Alma how we need a mediator to level the demands of Justice and Mercy. I won't be getting involved in politics out here, (well too involved...) but this situtation made me think of our need for a Savior.
Speaking of politics, I got Dad's email about is need for his outside catering service. It's too bad they don't want his sledgehammer services! Out here, I could really go for some sledgehammer cooking! So if you could... I forgot my reciepe book at home... So could you fill it up with cheap/fast/tasty/etc. meals that Elder Klein & I could use, so that I can have refuge from the fire known as Mexican food? Please?
In addition, Pres. Jensen has said no go on Ipods. We wonder if this will carry over with the next mission pres. here in a few months. So, the green missionaries are holding on just in case. What I'm really getting at is... Will you send me CD's of Mo-Tab, The Rutter Requiem, My choir CD's. & my other classical music. (Jazz is a noooooooooooo go (I am a sinner.....)). I would love to see some shiny CD's in the mail.... Please?
Funny story. Elder Klein and I were over in the Spanish East area studying (Dinner appointment in that area). We were studying for one of our investigators. We were tossing up ideas, because we didn't know where to go with this person. I was looking out the window, paying attention to Elder Klein. He asked me a question, and I was intelligently answering it until I saw... A squirrel. So, midsentance I say hey look a squirrel, and continue on with my response. Elder Klein with his sense of humor, ran to the window and said, "where!?" We laughed for a moment, and concluded it was moments like that, that make it hard to plan.... After that break in the tension we actually got everthing worked out and figured out a lesson plan. So maybe it wasn't us getting off track. Maybe we just need a break in the tension! So my advice, live happy, make jokes, and hop in the pool before it gets cold!
Probably not the mentality of a a missionary, but my personal studies show it! So many things have opened up! Today I studied "How to know the Mysteries of God". This study took me to all ends of the scriptures, and the answer was rather simple. Humble yourself, repent, humble yourself, pray, humble yourself, ponder, humble yourself, and tell other people. Although you also need to heed the words of the Savior in Matthew, don't cast your pearls before swine. Prayer is a powerful thing. Testimonies are built on them. Battles were won. Races are started, all with prayer. If there's anything that you might need "if it be right" God will provide.
It's fun to hear from you all. From Leighton taking up my mantle to Dad antagonizing T with Flyer Blue! (BTW I got the Dear Elder, & letter the same day...) To answer your question T, the weather is scatterbrained. It doesn't know if it wants to be cold, or spring! Gooz, I'm waiting for Sophie... & mom, get that hat off Dad's head around the house! I can understand it if he wants to stay alive outside of the house, because I have to do that down at Ohio State (P-days we can head over to the institute to play B-ball). I love you all & hope to hear from you!
Much love Para Siempre,
Elder Ipson
The Great Ohio Columbus Mission