Sunday, April 10, 2011

April 3, 2011 - We Saw Austin on TV!!!

We caught a glimpse of Elder Ipson along with his MTC Companion, Elder Ragan in the KSL Special for the 50th Anniversary of the Missionary Training Center that was aired between General Conference sessions on Sunday afternoon.  They were sitting across the table from their other two roommates, Elder Foster and Elder Reid.  Austin had mentioned in his letters in February that they had seen KSL's cameras at the MTC for several days, so we waited patiently for Conference weekend, hoping to see him.  And we did!  Several of our friends and family also saw him too and called, or e-mailed, or posted to Facebook that they had also seen him.  General Conference Weekend was special to us just knowing that Austin would be watching and listening to the same speakers and music as we were.  So, yes, we're a little weird:  we paused the TV and took a photo so we could remember the moment........

Elder Reid & Elder Foster sitting across the table
from Elder Ragan and Elder Ipson.
Lunch looks good at the MTC!

Elder Ragan and Elder Ipson
Dining at the MTC Cafeteria.