Monday, July 16, 2012

Surprise! It's transfer week!

P.S. Just trying out the toothpaste. Rest assured Mom! I brush those teeth!  (We sent some new toothpaste in our latest care package along with deoderant, floss, etc. and Leighton's famous no-bake cookies.  He always likes his Sister's cookies!)

From: Austin Ipson
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 9:31 AM

The transfer has come up again.  Tomorrow I will be getting that infamous call from the District Leader.  If I will go, or if I will stay!  To be honest I don't know what's going to happen to me.  I hear that there might be a stir in the Spanish Zone. Or I may just stay here in Pickerington 2nd.  Whatever happens, it'll happen, and I keep on... keepin' on!

That past week was a good week.  We were able to see Ben and Amber again!  Before we had our lesson with them on Friday, they were able to do a FHE with the Trowbridge family.  The Trowbridges invited some other less-actives and members to come to FHE.  From what it sounds like everyone there had a blast!  It's funny the influence it had.  When we went back for our lesson; we were about to talk to them about what happens at our church services, and they piped in... "Oh we already know! We learned about that at Family Home Evening with the Trowbridges!"  That's five brownie points for the members!  They are keeping their reading commitments still.  I am impressed by their zeal in reading!  They have a thorough knowledge of whatever it is when we come back.  It is quite impressive!  I just hope they start applying them to themselves.  They are great at studying; now application needs to be taught.

A funny story I failed to tell...
The week that it was 105 here in Ohio we had some A/C issues.  Nothing Radical.  To preface this Elder Welch likes the apartment to be rather cold.  So the A/C is constantly pumping air to meet his needs.  There aren't ceiling fans in the states of Ohio and Kentucky.  Someone must've passed a bill, and made them illegal here...  Anywho this A/C unit had been pumping cold air into the apartment to keep us happy.  Little by little the temperature would go up, and not be able to keep up with Elder Welch's demand!  Finally I decide to pop the filter cover, and the unit cover to see if there was anything obvious we could fix.  There was.  The "Radiator" (Compressor?) was frozen over!  Literally!  There wasn't any air flowing through the system, and the only cold air we were getting was from this block of ice!  For some reason we had a blow-dryer.  I didn't ask questions as to why we had it, but we started de-icing our A/C unit!  It took us a good while to get it defrosted, but we learned a valuable lesson.  Use the "auto" setting, not the "on" setting.

Sorry I don't have some insight to my coming fate, but I'm sure you all can survive 'till next week to find out!

Para Siempre,
Elder Ipson
The Great Ohio Columbus Mission