Monday, October 8, 2012

What a weekend!

From: Austin Ipson
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2012 9:00 AM
The world I'm sure is still in shock about the announcement made by President Monson.  The moment he stood at the pulpit, you could tell in his demeanour that there was a big announcement to be made!  And it was!  I'm excited for all who are taking to this call to serve, and will tell you that it is worth it!  This time to serve has been one of the greatest times of my life!

Transfer week is upon us.  I can barely believe that it's here!  Time flies.  Anywho... Mom I apologize for not telling you more about Elder Smith.  I don't remember what I have told you...  Anywho, he is a California kid.  Essentially he is a beach bum!  (Body boarder).  While his Dad lives in Laguna Niguel, C; His mom lives in Chandler, AZ.  His first name is Keaton.  It was funny.  His first day here; we ate with Brother Parsons and his son Keaton.  We all found it funny, because it isn't too common of a name!  He's been out for about 9 months, and is chugging along.

As for me... Conference was great!  It seemed so many of the discourses given, had direct application to me!  It was kind-of scary!  Dad once told me how this the case for him.  I didn't believe it was possible until now!  I've thought a bit about what was said by Elder Bednar, on conversion.  It may have to do with the fact he was one of the last talks....  However it made me wonder...  Do I simply have a testimony, or have I built a lofty conversion?  It has been some heavy food for thought.

I apologize for the shortness of the letter.  All I can remember is Conference.  The rest of the week was rather quiet...  However, I know the Lord will provide if we press on! 

I also thank you all for the prayers that are given to me.  They are felt.  There is no doubt about it.  I know the Lord supports each and every one of us.  In the scriptures it says "The Lord is no respecter of persons".  How this translates to me... He loves each and everyone of us equally!  I love you all very much.  Keep the faith!

Para Siempre,

Elder Ipson
The Great Ohio Columbus Mission