From: Austin Ipson, Florence, KY
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2011 11:34 AM
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2011 11:34 AM
Rain.... It's wet outside. It might flood! It's been raining for more than 5 minutes! Besides being wet, I'm fine!
The top news of this week is that Daniel will be baptized this coming Thursday! The funny thing is, that's the day of Transfers! So if anyone goes, the new guy will have a very nice welcome to the Area!
It's crazy how this all came about. We've been having a bit of trouble pinning Daniel down this week. However, whenever you drop in on the Martinez, if you wait long enough, he comes! That's what we did. Went to the Martinez's to give them one of the 2008 March Liahona (The church sent in bulk this special edition a while back, and Pres. Avila found them, and gave them to us) We went in and talked about the article by Elder Eyring. By the time we were done, Daniel came in! In the 5 minutes he was there he told us he wanted to be baptized on the 17th by Elder Wheadon. This news blew us away! As soon as he came in, he was gone. Leaving us to realize what had just happened.
We got to see Daniel at church this week! We were very excited to see him! I'm sure the Uncles that have served the Hispanic missions can attest to the vilgilant worship that goes to the La Virgen Maria. Well we had an unplanned lesson on that Sunday.....One of our Recent Converts (Sis. Mandujano) asked us what the regard to La Virgen is in the church. She had been reading in 1 Nephi 11 and caught the reference. She asked the question, and put us on the spot. So in that room with our two investigators, two recent converts, and less-active we had to carefully denounce the Hispanic Catholic belief in La Virgen Maria. :D Fun stuff.... Fortunatly Daniel took it well! He understood what our message was, and after this we moved his date sooner!
If you would have just been looking at us, it would look like we were disrupting Priesthood. Actually we we moving his date up! Just how things would work out on Saturday and Friday, so he elected to move the date up to Thursday the 15th. So right there in Priesthood meeting we had President Avila announce the baptism!
In a missionary's eyes he's cool, but he got even cooler after the meeting. I asked him for his full name, that way we could get going on getting programs etc. started. We found out he's in cognito! His real name is Aristeo Pontaza Mateos. Yep, he won cool points!
Well that sums up our week! This week will be making sure Daniel will be ready for his baptism next week! Transfers will be next week, so we'll see what happens. I have a feeling Elder Wheadon will be the one heading out. He's been here for almost 6 months. So should be heading out soon to do more of the Lord's work!
Thank you for the Cocoa stuff! Nights have been really good with it around! Love you all, and have a good week!
Para Siempre,
Elder A. Ipson
The Great Ohio Columbus Mission
P.S. Tanner, get Mr. Sundin to teach you the Collie! If you don't, I'll beat you in Chess when I get home! Mwahahahahahaha!